Saturday, 19 April 2014

African N.I.N.E Philosophy: What is Science, Knowledge, and Correct Information?

THE ETYMOLOGICAL(original and also true) meaning of the word SCIENCE IS KNOWLEDGE AND KNOWING. TRUTH IS KNOWLEDGE AND VICE VERSA AND KNOWLEDGE IS CORRECT INFORMATION. Some important and sensible questions about Creation and Nature and the persons and things thereof that people seek answers to can be correctly answered by and with sufficient evidence, ample experience, or successful experimentation, but answers to other questions can not be experienced personally, and must thereby be satisfactorily answered by other means or additional means, if a society or world of peoples is to be in law and order and unconfused in knowledge instead of being confused in ignorance. Therefore, scientifically speaking, CORRECT INFORMATION (knowledge) can be classified into THREE CATEGORIES, namely:  (1) PROOF INFORMATION, (2) REASON INFORMATION, and (3) PROOF-REASON INFORMATION. Proof information is information based upon the physical finding or physical proof available and can be verified by experience, evidence, or experimentation or any combination of these processes.

Reason information is information based upon Sound Right Reason (which includes inspiration and revelation) and can be verified by investigation and examination of all possibilities and the use of, the elimination process. Proof-Reason information is information based upon physical findings and other evidence, examples, Reason, experience, parallels, inspiration, and revelation and can be verified by the same methods used for proof information and reason information. However, like everything else, inspiration and revelation themselves must always be checked out by Sound Right Reason for authenticity (genuineness) and reasonability. Of course, knowledge and ignorance are OPPOSITES, just as truth and falsehood, rightness and wrongness, intelligence and stupidity are opposites. So, a person has the option of deciding which side he or she will strive to be on and stay or, and having an intelligently open mind indeed will help you know which is which and help you make the right choice. Moreover, the choice is between REALITY AND DELUSION, and likewise, REASON AND DECEPTION

Let It Be Remembered Always !!!

Monday, 7 April 2014

MYSTERY Is Just Another Way Of Saying IGNORANCE.

Listen To Reason! It is no mystery that all flesh-and blood beings develop from formulas called EGGS or cells, and all vegetation sprouts from formulas known as seeds or parts of Vegetation. So, in answer to the question: "Who was or what was first THE CHICKEN OR THE EGG?" -- the answer is, of course, THE EGG of Mother Earth was first. Mystery is just another way of saying IGNORANCE. For instance, it is written that Greek Philosophers spoke and also wrote about something UNKNOWN and UNKNOWABLE (some hidden mystery) somewhere beyond the Earth, Moon, and Stars called THE ONE; but, if the being is unknown and unknowable, how is it possible that anyone knows that it exists? The bottom line is this: THE ONE has to be THE ALL with Alternating-Controlling Opposites called THE NOUS and THE LOGOS (Zeus), The First and Second Emanations of The One (The All), respectively.

So, that kind of imaginary nonsense about The One Supreme Being is the kind of ignorance, superstition, and foolishness that NOONE, ( The Science of Reality, Reason, and Knowledge) strives to help people eliminate. The nonsense of CREATING-SOMETHING-FROM-NOTHING is another imaginary fallacy in the minds of many people. NoopooH (Nous) via Nature Science maintains that Matter is all, there is, of course, together with Space and Time. To put it another way in words: Matter is all that matters (in unity with Space Time), because Matter includes all energies whether they be negative or positive, mental, mineral, spiritual, electrical, chemical, ethereal, material, physical, or whatever. Matter is without beginning and without ending. Matter is anything and everything that occupy Space and it needs Time to exist. Matter in unity with Space and Time is certainly THE ALMIGHTY as defined and identified in The Science of The Nature of Nature known as Noone.

Let It Be Remembered Always!!!

Tuesday, 1 April 2014


MERCY is DEFERMENT OF JUSTICE until a later time. Then justice will fall upon the individual guilty one himself (or herself) or upon his or her seed or kind, because each and every one of a kind is one flesh and blood, for they sprang from the same ancestral tree or origin. FORGIVENESS is TEMPORARY TRANSFERMENT OF GUILT from the guilty on to the forgiver. However, forgiveness does not free the guilty from his or her wrong-doing because, according to the laws of Nature, the guilty one MUST ACCOUNT for his wrongness, personally, or the guilty one's seed or kind must do so. Forgiveness  means to take the guilt of someone upon self, and thereby the forgiver becomes an accomplice of the guilty, therefore, his penalty or punishment is the same as the guilty, but the forgiver's punishment comes before that of the guilty. But the punishment of the forgiver comes before that of the guilty, because the act of the forgiver is a temporary transferment of the guilt to himself, meaning, the punishment of the actual guilty one of deferred until later, since the forgiver has taken it upon himself. However, the INNOCENT paying the price of the guilty does not satisfy the laws of justice, because the INNOCENT did not commit the wrongness. The guilty one himself (or herself) must finally take punishment of the guilt in full, then the laws of justice are satisfied. Moreover, a person can not forgive another person for some wrongness the culprit did to a third party, for the only one who can truly forgive is the victim himself, because he or she is the one who suffered the hurt and harm, and the victim himself does not have the power of forgiveness unless he or she is in his or her right mind, and no one can not be in his right mind unless he or she knows, accepts, and understands right knowledge. A person has accepted right knowledge when he knows right knowledge and practices right knowledge. Right knowledge is UNIVERSAL KNOWLEDGE:

If a person of a kind forgives another person of his own kind, he has forgiven himself, because all people of the same kind are one flesh and blood by Nature and ancestral tree or origin, and justice works by the seed, that is, ancestral lineage. JUSTICE WORDS FOR WORDS AND DEEDS FOR DEEDS, NOT EQUAL TO THE AMOUNT SOWN BUT EQUAL TO THE AMOUNT GROWN. "Not equal to the amount sown but equal to the amount grown" mean this: The one who initiates a wrong deed in AN AGGRESSOR whose wrongness may cause a chain reaction of wrong deeds, but the wrong-doer of the original wrong act is responsible for all the wrongness which result from the original wrong act, therefore the one who first sowed the seed of wrong must reap the whole harvest, according to the laws of justice, because he is the aggressor as well as the transgressor. 

However, all who were a part of the chain reaction of wrongness are accomplices of the original aggressor, and will meet the same fate as the aggressor, if they deliberately follow in the foot steps of the aggressor, knowing that he is wrong and violating the laws of Nature...